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Michael Grace Celebrant

Your Commitment of Love to Each Other

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

Saying your Wedding Vows and Exchanging your Rings

Your wedding ceremony can have as much or as little as you like, from readings to music, from sand ceremonies to handfasting, but I am sure you all agree that no wedding ceremony is complete without reciting your weddings vows to each other and exchanging your rings.

Reciting your vows, your commitment of promises and love to each other.

Exchanging your rings, the eternal symbol of love, commitment and promises.

For both these you can choose from a wide selection of pre-scripted words, or you can write your own.

Your Wedding Vows

When it comes to selecting the vows you will say think about you as a couple, your love for each other and the promises you want to make as you start your life together.

If you select vows, here is one of my favourites.

Celebrant: Do you, <Bride> and <Groom>, pledge to create a life of mutual respect, compassion, generosity, and patience toward each other as you grow together in years?

Couple: We do

Celebrant: Do you pledge to recognize each other’s individuality and celebrate each other’s uniqueness as a strength in marriage? While at the same time, will you guard one another’s weaknesses with understanding, support, and inspiration?

Couple: We do

Celebrant: And do you pledge to share the love you have for each other with all living beings? To be a couple that lets their marriage radiate into others, making their lives more beautiful because of it?

Couple: We do

Groom – please repeat after me: I, <Groom> take you <Bride>, to be my wife, / to have and to hold from this day forward, / for better or for worse, / for richer, for poorer, / in sickness and in health, / to love and to cherish; all the days of our lives.

Brideplease repeat after me:

I, <Bride> take you <Groom>, to be my husband, / to have and to hold from this day forward, / for better or for worse, / for richer for poorer, / in sickness and in health, / to love and to cherish, all the days of our lives.

Writing your own Vows

This can be a daunting task and often something that is left to the last minute. The night before the wedding you are struggling to write what you feel for your partner. Here are some tips that might help (compliment of

1. Make sure you say “I love you”

2. Tell your partner you will be there through thick and thin

3. Share personal stories

4. Make promises

5. Acknowledge you will need support from others (family and friends)

Exchanging your Rings

No wedding is complete with the exchange of rings, that eternal symbol of love and promises. With some many words to say when exchanging your rings, here is my favourite.

Rings are the eternal symbol of marriage. The unbroken circle symbolises a token of love, commitment and promises.

<Groom>, as you place the ring on Amanda’s finger repeat after me.

<Bride>, with this ring I give you my heart. / I have no greater gift to give. / I promise I will do my best and I will always try. / I feel honoured to call you my wife. / I feel blessed to call you mine. / May we feel this joy forever.

<Bride>, as you place the ring on Ross’ finger repeat after me.

<Husband>, with this ring I give you my heart. / I have no greater gift to give. / I promise I will do my best and I will always try. / I feel honoured to call you my husband. / I feel blessed to call you mine. / May we feel this joy forever.

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